一名在澳洲以农为业的的占水师康纳(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)在第一次世界大战加里波利战役后前往土耳其伊斯坦堡,试图寻找他三个参战阵亡儿子的遗骸。即使一开始遭到军方的百般阻挠,他也不屈不挠,更遇到于伊斯坦堡入住旅馆女主人爱莎(欧嘉·柯瑞兰寇 Olga Kurylenko 饰)及一名曾与他儿子对战的土耳其军官出手协助。康纳抓住一丝希望,为查出真相,穿越饱受战火蹂躏的土地,九死一生,只...
A young girl whose father is an ex-convict and whose mother is a junkie finds it difficult to conform and tries to find comfort in a quirky combination of Elvis and the punk scene....
迈克(保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti 饰)是一名小镇律师,在帮一位老年痴呆症老头里奥(波特·杨 Burt Young 饰)打监护权官司时,阴差阳错自己成了里奥的监护人。光照顾老头还不够,里奥的外孙凯尔(阿历克斯·夏夫尔 Alex Shaffer 饰)又不期而 至,他因为和吸毒的母亲不和来投靠外公,迈克一家只好收留他,并安排他到附近高中念书。迈克同时还兼任该所高中摔跤队教...
Violette, 16, a promising young swimmer, has decided to live her homosexuality openly. Supported by her loving parents, she blossoms and fall in love with Lisa. While it's more difficult for Lis...
Unable to find inspiration for his newest piece, young author Liam (Daryl McCormack) takes on the titanic weight of tutoring the son of legendary writer J.M. Sinclair (Richard E. Grant) and his wife...
泰勒(德里克·贝汉姆 Derek Baynham 饰)邀请大学好友查斯(查理·大卫 Charlie David 饰)来一起过暑假,却浑然不知查斯的同志身份将给家里带来什么。泰勒的父亲内森(丹·佩恩 Dan Payne 饰)将自己的性取向成功的压抑了20年,但查斯的到来让他怦然心动,竟像陷入初恋的男生一样不知所措。这段感情被女主人、内森的妻子史黛西(西娅·吉尔 Thea Gill 饰)撞破,一个...