“Hacks” explores a difficult mentorship between Deborah Vance (Jean Smart), an old-school Las Vegas comedian whose material is a bit passé, and the entitled, but ambitious 25-year-old writer (Hannah...
该剧由《Broad City》的创作人Ilana Glazer、Paul W. Downs和Lucia Aniello打造,其中前两者兼主演。毫无疑问……这仍然是恶搞节目。在该剧中,一对表兄妹Jeff和Sharee(Paul W. Downs和Ilana Glazer)发现了一个印有中文字样「穿越烟壶」的魔法物品,只要吸上一口,他们就能任意穿越时空。他们原本在郊区过着波澜不惊的平凡生活,所住的公寓...
On the last day on Earth, one woman goes on a journey through LA to make it to her last party before the world ends, running into an eclectic cast of characters along the way....