A coming-of-age story about the 16-year old boy Ari, who has been living with his mother in Reykjavik and is suddenly sent back to the remote Westfjords to live with his father Gunnar. There, he has...
Outside Parliament in Reykjavik, a man throws himself at the Minister for Industry, setting fire to them both. He dies, but she survives. Andri Olafsson, now working in Reykjavik, is assigned to the c...
这是今年五个《绿野仙踪》翻拍项目中第一个拿到「绿卡」的。这个项目被称作「黑色版」《绿野仙踪》,更像是一部带有童话色彩的《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)。它的主要取材对象不仅仅是《绿野仙踪》这本书,还包括原著作者L. Frank Baum在该书出版后续写的13本小说——穿甲的战士,相互争斗的王国以及名声显赫的巫师,等等。主人公是20多岁的Dorothy Gale,稀里糊涂地踏上了令她...
沃特.密提(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 饰)是一名在《生活》杂志工作了16年的胶片洗印经理,他性格内向,甚至无法跟心仪的同事谢莉尔(克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig 饰)开口搭讪,面对生活他像个旁观者,时常“放空”做白日英雄梦。直到有一天公司被并购,杂志需要做最后一期的封面,而封面成功与否的关键是找到狂野摄影师尚恩(西恩·潘 Sean Penn)的一卷胶片,沃特终于开口搭讪谢莉...