When his daughter is brutally murdered and legal justice looks unlikely, William Duncan takes the law into his own hands, setting out on a quest for retribution. After killing the street thug who wa...
In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a bare knuckle cage fighter seeks to repay his debts in a final, desperate attempt to salvage the family home of his dying foster mother....
欧文(亚当·德维尼 Adam DeVine 饰)是一个直率的银行经理,即将与他的爱人帕克(妮娜·杜波夫 Nina Dobrev 饰)结婚。然而在他举行婚礼周时,他的银行被臭名昭著的“幽灵强盗团”抢劫。他刚到镇上的岳父(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)岳母(艾伦·巴金 Ellen Barkin 饰),便是臭名昭著的劫匪。...