Outnumbered follows the daily chaos of family life and two parents and three young children locked in an unequal contest. Across half-hour episodes, viewers witness an honest portrayal of the well-...
The victim: Police Constable Greg Schultz. The killer: stand-up comic and Greg's older brother Murray Schultz. Greg's death is the first case for Oscar following his recovery and promotion to ...
为了养家糊口,乔治(杰瑞米·西斯托 Jeremy Sisto 饰)整日在外辛苦打拼,却忘记了家庭亦需要他的呵护和关怀。终于,某一日,乔治的妻子再也无法忍受充满了孤独和寂寞的生活,她丢下了年幼的女儿特雷莎(简·莱维 Jane Levy 饰),离家出走。就这样,乔治成为了一名单身奶爸。 从刚开始的手足无措到如今的得心应手,乔治在奶爸的道路上越走越顺,如今,特雷莎俨然出落成为了亭亭玉立的少女,可乔...
10月22日,BBC开播一部新科幻电视剧《Torchwood》,这是英国长寿科幻电视剧大王《Doctor Who》(神秘博士/异世奇人)的衍生剧集。Torchwood这个名词其实是Doctor Who由颠倒字母顺序而构成的字。Torchwood在《Doctor Who 2005》里出现过好几次,例如《Doctor Who 2005》2x02里提到了1879年的维多利亚女王遇到了博士和Rose,也见...
Ups and downs of an adorable group of six dogs on their fascinating and surprisingly suspenseful quest to become guides for Guide Dogs for the Blind, the ultimate canine career....