47, which recently garnered multiple awards at the 2024 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, tells the heartbreaking yet ultimately uplifting story of Robert, a boy with Down syndrome. Through exquisi...
The film follows the story of Cali, a blogger who owns the up and coming blog, "The Bakit List," and her ex Gio who will return to her life unexpectedly and surprisingly after breaking her...
应召女郎的秘密日记第四季英国ITV台电视剧《应召女郎的秘密日记》根据英国伦敦一名自称为"白日美人(Belle de Jour)"的性工作者的热门网络日记改编,由英国著名女歌手&《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)女主角Rose的扮演者Billie Piper主演,讲述了一名美丽的"小姐"Belle极端的双重生活,描绘了你从来没有注意过的应召女郎的生存...
The government cover-up of the causes behind a massive explosion in a futuristic UK metropolis spur photo journalist Jennifer Preston on to search for the truth and in the process blow open a paranorm...