Beauty Blogger Alexa Landry only had one fear, plastic surgery. She ultimately had to face this fear when she was kidnapped with her friends by Dr. Cunningham. A deranged plastic surgeon who is obse...
Allegra dreams of being part of the Eleven O'Clock musical theater company and becoming the star of "Freaky Friday", a play that consecrated her grandmother years ago. Grandmother Cocó i...
平静快乐的小镇上,英俊的强尼?伍德(Rick Comrie 饰)是当地人都非常喜爱的男孩,他同时也是父亲本(Rusty Hanes 饰)的骄傲。但一场灾难击碎了这一切,强尼在和玛丽阿姨(Nicole Des Coteaux 饰)驾车出游时遭遇车祸丧生。悲痛至极的本在留下一个恶毒诅咒后,于强尼葬礼当天遽然离世。满心内疚的玛丽不仅要承受丧亲之痛,更要为被本诅咒的儿子戴维(Brian Comrie 饰)...
痴迷脱口秀笑话表演的鲁帕(Robert De Niro 饰)梦想自己也能站在舞台上享受观众的欢呼,借疯狂粉丝玛莎(Sandra Bernhard 饰)创造的机会,鲁帕得以和脱口秀明星杰瑞交谈,鲁帕踌躇满志的自我介绍,虽然杰瑞敷衍了事,但鲁帕仍视自己为杰瑞的好友。为了能在心爱的丽塔面前出人头地,鲁帕不惜一些代价要获得与杰瑞同台表演的机会,另一方面杰瑞被鲁帕的纠缠搞到忍无可忍,将鲁帕与并不知情的丽...