47, which recently garnered multiple awards at the 2024 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, tells the heartbreaking yet ultimately uplifting story of Robert, a boy with Down syndrome. Through exquisi...
When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a crea...
Andrea Absolonová was a talented Czech professional diver with a bright career ahead of her. However, her sports career had been cut short by a spinal injury during a training session at the Atlanta...
When a beautiful young influencer survives a mysterious shark attack, she becomes a monstrous apex predator, hunting and feeding in sunny Venice beach, California....
When an Iraq War veteran receives a calling from a higher power, he embarks on a mission to stop a fallen angel from raising an army of the dead to take over the world....
Alin, seorang perempuan korban trauma kekerasan keluarga dan himpitan ekonomi mengikuti tiga temannya merampok sebuah rumah yang konon menyimpan banyak barang-barang antik yang berharga di perkampunga...