The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with actress-screenwriter Iulia Lumanare. Interestingly, the feature recycles (and completes) The Christmas Gift and another, unre...
TRANSMITZVAH is a love story between siblings. They exhibit their wounds, exchange the pieces of each other’s puzzle, and complete (or start) the process of reaffirming their own identity. Rubén –the ...
This is the story of Eva Perón after her death. The embalmed body of “Evita” had an eventful journey that lasted for 22 years, and was every bit as eventful as her 33 years of life. Evita died in 1952...
A group of teenagers met at an hospital and learned that they need to make friends to deal with the problems of suffering different diseases and living in an hospital....
John Stamos将主演David E. Kelley及Dean Lorey所执笔的Disney+剧《大人物 Big Shot》,这部剧灵感来自《单亲家长 Single Parents》主演Brad Garrett﹑Bill D’Elia负责执导头两集。 这部10集剧讲述个性倔强的大学篮球队教练(John Stamos饰)被炒后,他的新工作是在一间女子精英私立高校当教师及教练。...