"Alone" follows a writer seeking peace and solitude in the countryside in an attempt to recover from tragedy and finish her book. However, as the welcoming country house turns into a livin...
The story centers on a religiously conservative, married southern woman who receives a message from God instructing her to act as a surrogate mother and carry a child for two married gay men who live ...
当地球的英雄流亡动荡的不可思议的绿巨人的一个遥远的行星称为Sakaar的肌肉紧张的绿色怪物是卖为奴隶,被迫参加对地球的专制红国王格斗游戏。 But soon, the Hulk joins forces with his fellow slaves to fight for freedom -- and a chance to get revenge on his earthly foes.但很快...