Aston (Robert Shaw), a quiet, reserved man, lives alone in a top-floor cluttered room of a small abandoned house in a poor London district. He befriends and takes in Mac Davies (Donald Pleasence), a...
Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an ef...
该电视改编自英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的经典同名作品《圣诞颂歌》。一个痛恨圣诞节的老头通过几个圣诞鬼魂看到了他的过去和现在,在圣诞鬼魂的指引下,他懂得了圣诞节的真谛。他也意识到,自己的将来就把握在自己的手上,弃恶从善就要从改变自身的行为开始。 Made for television version of the Charles Dickens classic of the same name. ...
In 1828 Scotland, Edinburgh surgeon Dr. Knox does medical research on cadavers he buys from murderers Burke and Hare, without questioning the unethical procurement methods....
A young woman is invited by her girlfriend, who lives in an English country mansion, to stay there with her. The estate, however, isn't quite what it seems--and neither is the friend who issued ...