A female student named Ainun, who admires the figure of Abah Mulya, the owner of the Padepokan in Bumi Suwung village who is famous for his supernatural powers in curing various diseases. One day, sur...
At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife and second wife were fighting over the inheritance....
At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife and second wife were fighting over the inheritance....
Pablo’s life is ruled by drugs and by the intense and oppressive relationship he has with his mother, a former cocaine mule who escaped from Colombia and with whom he shares a small house in the outsk...
Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Fac...